Case Description
tax planning

Corporate Services

Your business is important to you. We help you maximize your earnings. Whatever your corporate structure or situation, we ensure your strategies are optimized and you’re getting the greatest benefits out of corporation while optimizing taxes.

By optimizing your tax planning, we ensure that you are capitalizing on all available deductions, credits, and exemptions, ultimately maximizing your earnings and helping your business thrive.

Corporate Preferred Estate Transfer and Tax Planning

Are you tired of paying too much tax on your dividends? Sick of management fees? If you’re parking large chunks of money in your corporation as retained earnings, we’ve got some solutions for you. What if you could withdraw retained earnings now, deferring tax payment to a future date? By keeping money in your corporation, a business owner triggers passive income taxation. This also increases your income tax rate. Contrary to what many people think, parking your money in a corporation’s account DOES NOT HELP you save. WiseInvest™ will ensure your corporate strategies are optimized for success.

In addition to managing passive income taxation and income tax rates, effective tax planning is crucial for business owners. WiseInvest™ understands the importance of optimizing corporate strategies to maximize savings and ensure long-term success.

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Fund Your Retirement The Right Way

Imagine the possibilities if you had a fully funded retirement that could not only pay for your basic standard of living but grant you the freedom to do whatever you want. The good news is we can help you achieve that goal by helping you take advantage of your corporation’s capital (not personal). The result is fewer taxes payable for your corporation and a fully-funded retirement.


Are you a business owner and looking for supplemental benefits? This may be a viable solution for you. It acts as a great alternative if you don’t have a Registered Pension Plan. It will also allow you to sustain a high quality of life up until retirement and beyond.

In addition to providing supplemental benefits and serving as an alternative to a Registered Pension Plan, tax planning plays a crucial role in maximizing the financial benefits of this solution. By integrating effective tax strategies into your financial planning, you can minimize your tax liabilities, optimize your business’s cash flow, and ultimately enhance your ability to sustain a high quality of life not just up until retirement but also throughout your post-retirement years.

tax planning


Are you a business owner and looking for a better way to save for retirement? The PPP could be for you. It’s a Canadian tax-savings solution that provides flexibility with contributions made, especially if cash flows vary.


Looking for another way to save for retirement while saving on tax? Meet the Individual Pension Plan, a registered defined-benefit pension plan that provides substantial retirement benefits, especially if your RRSP contribution has reached its threshold.

Find out more by talking to a WiseInvest™ Advisor today.

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budget planning

Tax Planning

Tax planning includes various considerations. Considerations include timing of income, size and timing of purchases, and planning for other expenses. Also, the selection of investments and types of retirement plans should complement the status of tax filing and deductions to create the best possible result.

Corportate Tax Savings Plans

As a busy corporate business owner, having to balance the many spinning plates of your business is no easy endeavor. Managing your employees, own personal finances, retirement plan, and the growing list of daily responsibilities is enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed. As a business owner, you deserve to make the most of all the benefits your corporation can offer you without incurring taxes. Due to its complex nature with multiple factors to consider, doing it on your own isn’t easy – one wrong turn and you could be worse off than where you started. That’s why it requires the expertise of a true professional who’s equipped with the right know-how and tools to remove the hassle and ensure you’re wealth is maximized.
Altogether, you’ll be able to lower your tax liability, benefit more from your corporation’s fund, and achieve more financial freedom.

Healthcare Spending Account

If you don’t want to pay the additional premiums and deductibles that come with traditional medical coverage insurance, the HSA is a great alternative. Like a savings account, it allows you to dip into it when certain health care costs are not covered by your plan.

Group Extended Health Insurance

Unfortunate events can happen to you or your loved ones, which can put you in a financial bind if you’re not prepared. Many expenses such as physiotherapy, prescription drugs, and special medical devices are commonly not covered, making it difficult to afford if one puts you out of work.

Corporate Critical Life & Illness Insurance

What do you do when an emergency such as a heart attack, stroke, cancer, or sudden death strike? Most are unprepared, but with a comprehensive insurance plan in place, you could be shielded from possible financial ruin.